Security Events With A Difference

At YorCyberSec we like to do things a little different across the board. That continues into the events we host and co-host.

The 'Leeds Cyber Security Conference' (LCSC), is a one day event held annually, with exhibitors that we have used and can vouch for. We allow only one exhibitor per topic/service, to encourage different conversations to be had with each provider. 20 minute high level talks with 2 key note speakers, a technical breakout room for in depth conversations with suppliers, lunch included and an evening of networking with free bar and food again.

On top of this we host the 'Cybrewery Evenings' in the North of England, (Leeds, Manchester, Sheffield and Newcastle). These are evenings with food, drinks and talks from IT professionals who do the doing, IT Managers, CISO's, Network Managers, sharing their stories and on the job experience.

To find out more about these, to ask any questions or look to sponsors check the pages or get in touch.